Deko Object (Order Quantity: 4)

Color Snow - Deko Sage - Deko Lemon - Deko Hazel - Deko
Size S1: 0.63" h X 3.94" Ø S4: 6.3" L x 6.3" W x 6.3" H S2: 6.3" L x 6.3" W x 4.7" H S3: 6.3" L x 6.3" W x 5.5" H S5: 6.3" L x 6.3" W x 2.4" H

Deko Objects are a series of sculptural objects designed to evoke creativity and personal expression. Comprising a range of different sizes and colors, the objects can be stacked on top of one another to create the desired expression. Use Deko as a decorative element, as a vase or transform it into a functional container for storage purposes with an optional lid in a matching color Deko Storage box lid.